What I am about to say is not a shot in the foot or the arm, it's just my opinion.
As are most qualities, we all humans have them. Justified, logical, left wing, radical, disjointed and confused, we all have opinions.
Recently, I have come to terms with my own opinion about how the media entertainment industry impacts society. I had been aware of hegemony and how European qualities influences all parts of the global economy. My own inner conflicts are no less real because I am a darker shade on the paper bag test.
This past week, Kanye had one more chance to give African American culture someone to be proud of, and so has Serena Williams. On website blogs like Twitter, Facebook and other urban media pages, on news channels, in restaurants: were these two hot African American figures for conversation fodder.
Some fine White women in a New Orleans eatery say "$10,000 in fines are not enough for Serena's" mouthy censored tirade at the 2009 US Open.
She's a natural Black woman. She's a tough, intense athlete. Others make jokes about Kanye's constant rude bufoonery and interruptions.
Still, when I witness prejudice in my daily circumstances, this causes me to stop and stare for a moment. The events I recall are real and though I have no solid answer, I recognize this one thing: The conversations must not stop. We have to continue to discuss this, perhaps driving it into the ground. Any ethnic group I discuss, I personally consider due to my generalizations based on my experience, my own American history, and effects of the African diaspora.
- Does The Black Race Shun Their Blackness?
- Does The Dominant European Society Fear Self Identity?
- If Race is Not The Answer, Is It A Valid Question?
- The N-word is fashionable, but what about the KKK ?
Ready to Dive in This Discussion??
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